Thursday, January 18, 2007

single bliss?

is there such a thing as single bliss?
really, i ask myself, somedays it seems as though i am living my life like its golden. whistling through like i just won a million pounds (250,000,000 naira) and life couldn't be better. I am happy to be as i am... free to come and go as i please, not having to worry about some other persons plans, that i have to see him or bla bla bla... other times i do miss having someone around and i mope like a grey cloud just appeared on the horizon of victoria island skylines
but lets face, no man is an island... you know when i was little and i used to attempt to watch some horror films, somethings just didn't make sense to me, a woman would be chased by this dark, morbid creature on the streets and she would run to her house, which by the way is empty cos she stays alone... and i keep wondering... why not run to your sister/brother or husband or friends house... that way the monster will take longer killing you cos he'll have so many other pple to kill warped i know but hey... it made more sense to me for a survival plan.
then i realised that in the developed world, the strong family ties which we thrive on here are almost non existent there. Its our culture to have family and loved ones around us, although for some pple, family is a den of lions waiting to devour but for the fortunate ones, family is the safe nest that you have being blessed you, even when they annoy the crap out of you and you feel like ignoring them for the next decade and more... you just can't. What i am trying to say here is (before i was side tracked) no matter how much we feign it, we weren't meant to be alone... we were made to enjoy the companionship of our better half, for lack of a better word, some call it soul mate (although for the life of me i can't fathom what that is supposed to mean...duh?) we were made to love, to make love to and to care for someone that loves us right back...
i don't believe anyone that says they can't love anyone back... thats just a load of hogwash, it's like putting a green plant outside without sunshine and rain... it'll eventually wither and die...
Sure cynicism creeps in and we think love is dead and make believe, but if it were...why are we still here... hopeful that one day we will find our better half?

1 comment:

UnNaked Soul said...

lol... great survival instinct... LMAO!!!

well, you are right, we all need that someone(s) to cater to our emotional this and that... and even if we deny (in the sense of inability of comprehend) the ability to feel this kind of emotion, we still, even for a moment, do... For me it is different, I wish to understand the deeper meaning of things and learn to attach myself to certain things without the negatives... which of course some would say "It is only natural... it is called the balance"

Regardless, we all find happiness in different forms... for some, diamonds, while some, companionship... Like the saying goes "To each, its own..."

Nice write up... are you responsible for Hephbizah Costume party?

blog on!